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"Yoga is the journey of the self through the self to the self." 




The word Hatha can also be translated as ha meaning "sun" and tha meaning "moon."
This refers to the balance of masculineaspects—active, hot, sun—and feminine aspects—receptive, cool, moon—within all of us. Hatha yoga is a path toward creating balance and uniting opposites. In our physical bodies we develop a balance of strength and flexibility.

We also learn to balance our effort and surrender in each pose. Hatha yoga is a powerful tool for self-transformation. It asks us to bring our attention to our breath, which helps us to still the fluctuations of the mind and be more present in the unfolding of each moment.


Prenatal Yoga

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Yoga is a wholesome practice to increase awareness, move your body, deepen your breath, and bond with your baby. It is an ancient technique that integrates body, mind and spirit. Prenatal Yoga is a complete system that aims for healthy pregnancy and joyful birth. 

Every Tuesday & Thursday (10.30-12.00), Every Saturday (09.00-10.30), Every Sunday (09.30-11.00) and Check our pop up Class in other Jakarta areas in our schedule


1-class: Rp 225,000  

3-class: Rp 550,000
5-class: Rp 850,000 

10-class: Rp 1,500,000


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Feel the benefit of swimming during pregnancy. A low-impact exercise that benefits cardiovascular health to increases strength, tones muscles and improves blood circulation, feel the stretch without straining and reduce stress, while supports your joints and ligaments as you exercise. Experience deep relaxation while immersed in water. 

Schedule: Every Sunday (15.00-16.00)

Price: Rp. 150,000 / class


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Qi Gong is a gentle-focused movements that involves slow-flowing motions, deep rhythmic breathing and meditative state of mind used for the purpose of health. Qi Gong aims to balance acupuncture meridians which connected with elements of energy within the body. Qi Gong practice helps to cultivate your "Qi" after giving birth and can be a wonderful additional healing support for your postnatal recovery.

Schedule: Every Thursday (09.00-10.00), Friday (09.00-10.00, 10.00-11,00)

Price: Rp 250,000 / class


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Blessingway is a mama blessing ceremony, a creative expression through self-reflection, dancing for birth, affirmation, visualization and meditation. Dancing can also improve posture, balance uterine ligaments, reduce pregnancy aches and pains, help to ease stress, increase stamina and flexibility. 

Each time women gather in a circle the world heals a little more. Join us in the intimate gathering, a sacred space for you and other pregnant mamas. Celebrate your pregnancy, have fun and release happy hormones!

Schedule: -

Price: Pay as you feel

Couple Yoga for Birth

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This class is for couples who would like to support each other,  increase bonding between couples, and also deepen bonding with the baby. The class includes yoga postures with partner, breathing, relaxation, communicate with baby and also meditation. 

Have an intimate moment with your partner through Yoga and mindful breathing!

Schedule: Bintaro : 1 & 15 March 2025 (11.00-12.30) | Cilandak : 9 & 23 March 2025 (11.00-12.30)


1-class: Rp 350,000  

2-class: Rp 500,000
3-class: Rp 600,000 


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Understand the power of breathing and the importance of breath awareness. Deep breathing can reduce stress, overcome fear and discomfort during pregnancy. This class also includes breathing practice during contractions and breathing the baby out. 

Hypnobirthing includes multisensory visualization, positive affirmations, relaxation, finding stillness and connection with your baby. Mindful breathing, hypnobirthing and meditation is an important tool to increase awareness, deepen bonding with baby, preparing you physically, mentally and spiritually for labor and birth. 

Schedule: Saturday 1 & 22 March 2025 (15.00-17.00)

Price: Rp 350,000 / class


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This class provides a comprehensive approach for couples to prepare for childbirth. By focusing on optimal fetal positioning, mastering the three key principles of pelvic alignment, and inducing deep relaxation of pelvic muscles and uterine ligaments, couples gain essential tools for a smooth and comfortable birth. This practice equips them with effective breathing techniques for pushing, empowers them to utilize active labor movements, and guides them in creating a personalised birth plan. Through shared experiences and mutual support, couples cultivate a sense of confidence and readiness to welcome their baby.

Schedule: Saturday 1 & 22 March 2025 (12.30-14.30)

Price: Rp 350,000 / class


​for Registration or Question : 


Blessingway is a mama blessing ceremony, a creative expression through self-reflection, dancing for birth, affirmation, visualization and meditation.

Dancing can also improve posture, balance uterine ligaments, reduce pregnancy aches and pains, help to ease stress, increase stamina and flexibility. 

Each time women gather in a circle the world heals a little more. Join us in the intimate gathering, a sacred space for you and other pregnant mamas. Celebrate your pregnancy, have fun and release happy hormones!

Schedule: -

Price: Pay as you Feel


Postnatal Yoga

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This 2-hour workshop allows to give you physical and mental reset. Have a safe space to heal your womb, to feel and be with the body. The class covers gentle postures and specific breathing techniques that are specifically designed to regain your strength and energy after birth.


This workshop includes how to navigate the early phase of motherhood and understand the process of becoming a mother (Matrescence). Learn about the transition of motherhood which is called Matrescence. Understand about emotional healing after birth and mind-body-spirit recovery, a step by step approach guided by our trained facilitators.

Schedule: Sunday, 11.00-12.00

Price: Rp 150,000 (pervisit) | Rp 500,000 (per 4-class)

postnatal core.jpg

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Our 6-week gentle postnatal program focuses on healing your body after giving birth. Postnatal exercise helps to strengthen your abdominal muscles, pelvic floor muscles, core muscles that can help to heal diastasis recti, urinary incontinence and pelvic organ prolapse. 


The benefit of postnatal exercise includes strengthening abdominal muscles and help to heal diastasis recti. Deep core yoga for pelvic stability and toning pelvic floor muscle as well as the importance of breathing practice for grounding and stability. Rebuild your strength, regain energy and vitality, engage your core step by step. Feel the difference!

Schedule:  Every Tuesday & Thursday (09.00-10.00) and Every Sunday (11.00-12.00)

Price: Rp 1,500,000 for 6-week program or Rp 350,000 / visit


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Have a safe space to be who you are, to reconnect with your inner self, surrounded by feminine energy that is gentle, caring, nurturing and offer supports. Give yourself permission to feel and be at present moment without judgements.


Sharing your story and personal journey can be empowering and help other mothers with more ease and gentleness. In this circle, you will be guided through Breathwork which allows you to accept changes in your life to heal, grow and transform.

Schedule:  -

Price: Rp 125,000



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In this session, mothers will practice yoga poses designed to aid postpartum recovery. Additionally, moms and babies will enjoy dancing together to release endorphins! The session concludes with infant massage and brain gym activities, which promote brain development and overall healthy growth in babies. These activities not only provide physical benefits but also boost mothers' self-confidence and strengthen the mother-infant bond. Join us, moms, to create precious moments and foster a strong emotional connection at the beginning of your little one's journey.


Schedule: Saturday, 8 & 22 March 2025 (10.30-12.00)

Price: Rp 175,000 


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This class will cover everything you need to know about introducing solid foods (MPASI) to your baby in Indonesia, including important facts, 10 key principles for safe introduction, common feeding problems, different feeding methods and a fun cooking demonstration!

Schedule: -

Price: Rp 250,000 / class for Moms & Dads


Fertility Yoga

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This class is designed for women who aims to improve menstrual health as well as to increase a chance to conceive and healthy pregnancy. Yoga helps to reduce stress, balances the hormones and supports the reproductive organs. You will learn gentle yoga postures that aids fertility and conception, as well as breathing and meditation techniques to release physical and mental tension.

*Private class, based on appointment.

Couple Yoga for Fertility

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This class is designed specifically for couples trying to conceive. In this class we also learn about Conscious Conception to connect with your partner and communicate with future baby.  Womb breathing and relaxation to balance hormones and supports reproductive organs. In addition, you also learn to support each other, practice partner meditation to calm the mind,  tune in with your partner and be together in this journey. 

*Private class, based on appointment.


Before entering yoga class:

  • Inform us if you have health problem conditions to avoid injuries during your practice. 

  • Eat your last meal at least 1-2 hours before the class to avoid discomfort in digestion process.

  • All classes start on time. Please arrive 5-10 minutes before class to give yourself enough time to get ready. 

  • Mobile phones are to be switched off (silent mode) whilst inside the class

While doing yoga and after practice:

  • In doing yoga, breathe in and out through your nose.

  • Don't force yourself. If you feel any discomfort during the practice, stop and just relax. Be gentle and kind to yourself.

  • Don't compare with others around you. Everyone is different and every body is unique. This is your practice, your journey.

  • Don’t be discouraged if you’re little bit struggling in the beginning. Enjoy the process

After practicing yoga:

  • Drink plenty of water to cleanse and detoxify your body

Frequently Asked Question (FAQ)

What is Yoga, really?

The word of Yoga is derived from Sanskrit language "yuj" meaning to yoke, to unite, or to join. Its ultimate aim is to experience wholeness, unity and harmony within oneself and with the universe. The three main practice of Yoga today are postures (asana), breathing (pranayama), and meditation (dhyana). Practicing these three disciplines can calm down the mind thereby the mind become still and silent. When the mind is completely still, we can experience inner bliss which is our true nature.  


What are the benefits of Yoga and how it affects pregnancy, birth and postpartum?

A lot of medical research and studies have been conducted to assess the benefits of Yoga. Here are some benefits of Yoga: increase energy and vitality, build strength and flexibility, reduce stress/anxiety, promote restful sleep, remove tension and muscle tightness, purifying the mind, gain mental focus, increase confidence, build inner power and strength, stillness of the mind through relaxation and meditation, develop awareness, intuition and inner wisdom.


How Yoga is different with other exercise?

Mind-body-spirit connection that make Yoga really stand out from other sports/exercise. The element of Breathing and Meditation makes Yoga really unique because it brings not just physical benefit but also mental and spiritual benefit. Yoga helps us to become more aware of present moment.

Why Breath is extremely important in practicing Yoga?

We came to this world by taking our first breath. We leave this world by exerting our last breath. We breathe continuously from the day we were born until the day we die. Through breathing, we can feel our innermost core of our being. Breath is our intimate link to the source of energy and all life. Breath is life and life is breath. 2). Breath is the most vital process of the body. If influences the activities of each and every cell in the body. Breathing oxygenates every cell in the body, from the vital organs to the brain. A slow and relaxed breathing keeps the heart stronger and increase the absorption of energy thereby enhancing vitality and general well being. 3). Breath is the bridge between the body and the mind. When breathing is calm, the mind follows. When we feel agitated, our breathing becomes shallow, short and fast. We can control our mind by paying full attention to our breathing. 4). In yoga, we synchronize movement with breathing.


I'm not flexible. Can I do Yoga?

Absolutely. If you can breathe, you can do Yoga. As a matter of fact, the most useful practice from yoga is to be consciously aware of the natural movement of our breath, i.e. Breath Awareness. Start practice now, feel the difference, and experience from within! 

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